Work Package 1

Project management, coordination and monitoring


  1. Establish the Consortium Agreement and Executive Board.
  2. Develop management processes and procedures.
  3. Ensure quality management throughout the project.


Work Package 1 focuses on establishing the foundational framework for the AGRITECH EU project. It entails the creation of essential governance structures, such as the Consortium Agreement and Executive Board, to ensure effective coordination and decision-making processes. Additionally, this package involves the development of comprehensive management procedures and quality management mechanisms to uphold project standards throughout its duration. A dedicated team will oversee project management activities, including monitoring progress, identifying risks and addressing any issues that may arise. The ultimate goal of Work Package 1 is to lay a solid foundation for the successful execution of the project by implementing robust management and coordination mechanisms.

List of deliverables:

  • Operative work Plan including QMP
  • Interim progress report
  • II Interim Progress Report including I QMR
  • III Interim Progress Report including II QMR
  • IV Interim progress report
  • V Interim progress report
  • Final report
  • Data Management Plan (DMP)