The project organization consists of two levels of management: coordination level and operational level.
- At the coordination level, activities will focus on overall management and monitoring. This includes the Project Coordinator (UNIPI), a Steering Committee (SC) and an Executive Management Board (EMB). The SC will make high-level management decisions, while the EMB will be responsible for operational management.
- At the operational level, the focus will be on providing effective workflow. This includes Work Package (WP) leaders who will ensure successful implementation of tasks, along with Task leaders who will coordinate with the Project Manager and Scientific Coordinator.
Stakeholders Group
The Stakeholders Group will play a role in project activities and will contribute to project dissemination and technical work packages.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee will decide on high-level management issues and act as a review board for project implementation.
The decision-making process is outlined in the Consortium Agreement, with key actions and timelines defined and the project management approach adheres to the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) logic and incorporates principles of Total Quality Management (TQM). This structured methodology ensures systematic planning, execution, evaluation and improvement of project activities to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.
Executive Management Board
The Executive Management Board consists of a Project Manager (UNIPI with the operative support of QUINN), Scientific Coordinator (UNIPI), Administrative Coordinator (UNIPI with the support of QUINN) and Responsible for Quality Management (QUINN). The Project Manager will be responsible for project coordination and day-to-day management, while the Scientific Coordinator will oversee scientific aspects. The Administrative Coordinator will handle financial and administrative management and the Responsible for Quality Management will ensure quality assurance activities.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee will be made up of the Work Package leaders who will coordinate, plan, monitor and report on their respective work packages. They will also be responsible for resolving any issues or difficulties within their work packages. The project organization is designed to ensure efficient and effective management, coordination and implementation of the project.